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Commonsense Care

At Partners for Ethical Care we believe that each child should be treated as an individual, and given the care and support that's most appropriate for him or her. Please join Erin Brewer & Maria Keffler as they discuss parenting gender-confused children using long-understood best practices from the fields of psychology, education, and child development.


(Click on title to jump to episode)

Book Video
My Child Announced
Validation/Invalidation & Critial Thinking
Parent Support
Findin Trustworthy Support For Your Child
Gender Ideology
Cultic Aspects
Dealing with the School
World & Extended Family
Possible Explanations
Planned Parenhood
Medicalizing Children
When Parents Disagree
ROGD & Social Contagion
The Adolescent Mind
The Fallacies of the Gender Industry
Always Erin
Why Parents Affirm
Dual Identities & Boomeranging
Trans ID & Rewriting History
Role Play Coming Out
True Trans?
Social Media
Debunking Trans Survey
Borderline Personality Disorder
Social Transition
Trans Lit
Compelled Speech
Paying fo Gender Treatments
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