Partners for Ethical Care was proud to join AMQG in an international alliance of 23 parent groups from 14 countries demanding that the World Health Organization (WHO) develop gender medicine guidelines that are based on evidence, not ideology.
The full letter can be found here.
You can find more information on the WHO’s proposed “guidelines for the health of trans and gender diverse people” set to be written by a small group of radical activists — and our response — here.
Please consider making a donation, so we can continue to testify and support testimony in favor of bills to ensure ethical care for children - by schools, as well and mental and medical healthcare professionals. We will not stop supporting efforts of those harms by “gender medicine” to seek justice in the courts for those harmed by “gender medicine.”
We hope you will join us!
Thank you to our Supporters
We are a small group of volunteers, and while we donate our time to our mission, we have real expenses that cost real money. On the news or social media, you might have read about or seen one of our volunteers or a detransitioner speaking at a legislative hearing for a bill to protect children from the gender industry. Many times, PEC is supporting those efforts by paying for travel, lodging, and food. (Now you know!) If you value the work that we do, please consider supporting it with a one-time or recurring monthly donation.
Thank you!
International Partners for Ethical Care is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization (EIN 85-3752787), and your donation may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.